Renewable Jobs for NY

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New Renewable Energy Standard in California

Recent legislation in California which expanded on their renewable energy portfolio requirement has created thousands of jobs in construction including many opportunities for LIUNA members.

The new renewable energy standard in California has given LIUNA members an opportunity to increase their work on renewable energy projects – putting more than 1,300 members to work to date and an additional 1,000 jobs are projected to be added over the next year.

Members in California are now helping build solar, wind, and geothermal power plants - doing a variety of traditional Construction Craft Laborer tasks including pouring concrete, digging footers, laying underground utilities, setting up racking systems for photovoltaic modules as well as less traditional tasks like manufacturing the mirrors for concentrating solar power systems and assembling photovoltaic systems.

Hundreds of new members will be joining the ranks in the coming months in order to meet labor needs and complete these important projects. Some new members will be working as union members for the first time and will be able to nearly triple their pay, secure healthcare benefits and gain access to LIUNA’s free job training programs.