Renewable Jobs for NY

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Ask and You Shall Receive

New York is Building Energy Systems of Tomorrow

Large-Scale Renewable Energy Projects Awarded

Finally, A Renewable Energy Standard New Yorkers Can See:

NYSERDA’s 2018 Clean Energy Standard Request for Proposals resulted in the largest commitment by a state to large-scale renewables, resulting in 20 awards to develop 1,654 MW of new clean energy projects throughout New York.

The 2018 Renewable Energy Standard Solicitation Breakdown:

  1. $1.5 billion awarded

  2. 20 new large-scale renewable energy projects

  3. $4 billion direct investment projected

  4. 2,600+ jobs created

  5. Reduced carbon emissions

    • Like taking nearly 437,000 cars off the road

  6. Capital Region

    • Two solar projects

  7. Central New York

    • Two solar projects

  8. Finger Lakes

    • Six solar projects and one wind project

  9. Mohawk Valley

    • Four solar projects

  10. North Country

    • One wind project

  11. Southern Tier

    • Two wind projects with energy storage and one solar project

  12. Western New York

    • One solar project