Follow The Wind
Wind turbines take the long road home
Wind-power farms are emerging as a source of both renewable energy and union construction jobs in New York State.
Blade by blade, section by section of tower housings and foundations, the pieces that will make up 36 giant wind turbines in Chautauqua County lumbered down county and state highways, a U.S. highway and an interstate, from Hamburg to Arkwright.
Wind Power Is Picking Up
Right now, New York has about 20 wind farms in operation, capable of producing about 1,800 megawatts, and at least 20 more either under construction or seeking approval from state regulators. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced in November that he wanted half the state’s electricity generated from renewable sources by 2030. The state is now seeking proposals for offshore wind farms—which must include project-labor agreements that require contractors to pay prevailing wage.